Google Analysis on IT-Sideways (Sept 2007)

Keywords landed on Jan 2007
Keywords landed on Feb 2007
Keywords landed on March 2007
Keywords landed on April 2007
Keywords landed on May 2007
Keywords landed on June 2007
Keywords landed on July 2007
Keywords landed on Aug 2007

And for month of September 2007, almost similar effects from previous month.

The top 10 (keywords) consist of the following categories:
    1. Windows problem
    2. Spamming problem
    3. Open source interests
    4. mTouche
This teaches me a few things..
    1. People think alike (to a great extend), only physically appearance makes much of the difference.

    2. If you want your blog or web site to improve in terms of popularity, you got to create more contents which would appeal to people. For the case of IT-Sideways, even though many contents have been added continuously, however it doesn't fit the taste of Internet goers. Tools such as Google Analytic will help you considerably.

    3. Search engine dynamism makes it possible to increase web sites' popularity within short period of time.
