Malaysia Economy - No More Comfort Zone

Yes, the minister finally declared, we are no longer in comfort zone.

The minister requested Malaysian to be more matured to understand that hard times ahead and will not be over at least through 2010.

Malaysian must brace for reality and get real.

We must open up everything and forget about the mundane things.

Ignore the idea of protectionism.

For this reason, I feel that certain arenas of the ICT industry have big potential because people are definitely going online more than often. A survey conducted for Adobe Scene 7 revealed that Over 90 percent of our survey’s respondents are planning to invest in new rich media and social networking technologies to ensure their brands and products stand out on the Web.

But too bad, the Internet infrastructure is not able to keep up with its demand. Internet service providers should be the best performer in this economy situation, second comes the free-lancers who are will to perform ad-hoc web solution servicing. And then the third in line will be web solution providers who are willing to do jobs for less than expected budget.
