Booster for Biometric System in APAC:

Refer to Biometric system in force at all entry points and Biometric in every home ?.

This will bring good prospect in terms of:
  • Make the concept of biometric more receptive amongst people, especially those less technology oriented.
  • Bring down adoption cost further.
  • Improve micro-economy especially on services.
  • Improve exports of technology between APAC countries like Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam and etc. How i reckon this is that when foreigners from APAC region comes to Malaysia, they are forced to deal with biometric, whatever inconvenient faced will result in bad experiences which will then create a longer lasting impression in their mind, this will make them become familiar with the concept. Sooner or later, this impression will be imported back to their home country.
Overall, this is a good news for all tiers of service providers.

So, I welcome you to Malaysia.
