SingleHop Offers BaaS with High Availability

It is estimated that:
  • Only 50% of enterprises backup data on employee computers.
  • $70.9k attributed to data lost per hour (average) for a mission-critical operations.
  • 45% of downtime is caused by operational - such as network down, server down, hard disk crashed and etc.
  • 78% of companies (who perform backups) plan to change strategy in next 2 years; whilst 64% already store data in the cloud

These information suggests that the demand for backup on the cloud is high.

For instance, one can subscribe to SingleHop Backup as a Service (BaaS), it is part of the managed services offering.

It is powered by Veeam platform and operates on a best practice service level agreement.

Being a managed service, customers are served by qualified personnel 24x7.

Subscription costs is configurable according to the number of VM and storage needed.

Check out the infographic.
