
Hi guys... have you check out Blogshares...

Check out IT-Sideways blogshares valuation. Opss.. this blog used to call "brandon & I.T" and the crawler of blogshares never did update its database with title changed.

I used to think what are they up to ? what is their plan ? Would they make us more famous ?

Now I got at least one answer.. I strongly believed that they are trying to earn money by having the blog's owner (people like me) to be actively involved in trading. I haven't gone through the legality and transaction processes.. but I figure there could be some revenue for them.

Nevertheless, based on its information.. I could see that the following referral really did help me with getting indexed to search engines.

1. News & Weather from Vleeptron
3. wadd blog
4. Syiok's Blog
5. Tan's Family & associates

Check out yours too.
