call for papers.... yo
International conference on computing & informatic 2006 is coming to you soon. This is a Malaysian event organized by Malaysian, ya!
Why are they yelling ?
They need to look for sponsor, they need money to run it.
1. University Utara Malaysia
2. IEEE CS Malaysia
3. MDC, Malaysia
4. MOSTI (Ministry of Science, technology and innovation of Malaysia)
5. Ministry of energy, water and communication, Malaysia (MCMC)
So, organizer not willing to pay much for it, this should be it. MCMC, MDC and MOSTI are direct beneficiary of federal budget, who has more money than they are ?
perhaps it is bureaucratic issues, depending on who call for it, in this case I think is UUM whose research group is only benefiting from application-approved government research grant.
What is it ?
The ICOCI 2006 seeks papers describing research contributions to the field of computer communications and informatics. This conference aims to bring together academicians, researchers, scholars, corporate executives and representatives of interested organizations and foundations, to exchange opinions and experiences, views on emerging trends in the field of computer, communications and informatics.
CEO should attend to find out the following:
1. Is there any new technologies available ?
2. How far in-front or behind is your technical team in term of R & D?
3. Who is who in the field ?
4. Is what you are doing now already obsolete ? hehehe...very painful one ler (god bless u)
You can also do the following:
1. Hire CTO to your organization.
2. Teach those R & D geeks about making money in the ICT industry.
3. Educate researcher about the problems in the ICT industry. Don't just spend money and focus on inspiration.
4. Remind R & D group that they are spending federal money and should always make effort to contact evangelist like Brandon Teoh to help them with commercialization, earn the money and contribute back to the federal fund.
Don't Forget:
Also, don't forget to congratulate researchers for their great achievement and hard work. Inventions and innovations are subjective matter. There is no right and wrong, perhaps the biggest enemy is time.
Malaysia needed these people to help go through the fundamental phases. We can't jump straight to 2020. What needed is more coordinated activities, like accumulation of documentation and aggresive promotion for awarness.
Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Suitable topics will range from technical to applications and will include the following:
1. AI and intelligent systems
2. Algorithms and complexity
3. Bioinformatics and applications
4. Computer and information security
5. Computer communications systems
6. Datbases and information retrieval
7. Embedded systems programming
8. Graphics, visualization, multimedia
9, High performance computing
10. Information systems
11. Internet computing
12. Mobile and wireless computing
13. Advanced computing applications
14. Formal method and applications
15. Multimedia systems
16. Operating systems
17. Real time systems
18. Software architecture
19. Software engineering
20. Software methodology
21. Software reliability engineering
22. Systems performance evaluation
23. Web based technologies.
Thus if you want to be expert in computing, you have to pick on of the area and develop on it.
Special sessions:
1. Advanced grid technologie, system & services
2. MyREN applications and researc initiatives
More Information:
You can contact me or e-mail
Important dates:
Submissioni deadline: 31 December 2005
Notification to authors: 31 January 2006
Camera-read version due : 15 Feb 2006
Early-bird registration: Before 31 Mac 2006 (10% discount)
International conference on computing & informatic 2006 is coming to you soon. This is a Malaysian event organized by Malaysian, ya!
Why are they yelling ?
They need to look for sponsor, they need money to run it.
1. University Utara Malaysia
2. IEEE CS Malaysia
3. MDC, Malaysia
4. MOSTI (Ministry of Science, technology and innovation of Malaysia)
5. Ministry of energy, water and communication, Malaysia (MCMC)
So, organizer not willing to pay much for it, this should be it. MCMC, MDC and MOSTI are direct beneficiary of federal budget, who has more money than they are ?
perhaps it is bureaucratic issues, depending on who call for it, in this case I think is UUM whose research group is only benefiting from application-approved government research grant.
What is it ?
The ICOCI 2006 seeks papers describing research contributions to the field of computer communications and informatics. This conference aims to bring together academicians, researchers, scholars, corporate executives and representatives of interested organizations and foundations, to exchange opinions and experiences, views on emerging trends in the field of computer, communications and informatics.
CEO should attend to find out the following:
1. Is there any new technologies available ?
2. How far in-front or behind is your technical team in term of R & D?
3. Who is who in the field ?
4. Is what you are doing now already obsolete ? hehehe...very painful one ler (god bless u)
You can also do the following:
1. Hire CTO to your organization.
2. Teach those R & D geeks about making money in the ICT industry.
3. Educate researcher about the problems in the ICT industry. Don't just spend money and focus on inspiration.
4. Remind R & D group that they are spending federal money and should always make effort to contact evangelist like Brandon Teoh to help them with commercialization, earn the money and contribute back to the federal fund.
Don't Forget:
Also, don't forget to congratulate researchers for their great achievement and hard work. Inventions and innovations are subjective matter. There is no right and wrong, perhaps the biggest enemy is time.
Malaysia needed these people to help go through the fundamental phases. We can't jump straight to 2020. What needed is more coordinated activities, like accumulation of documentation and aggresive promotion for awarness.
Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Suitable topics will range from technical to applications and will include the following:
1. AI and intelligent systems
2. Algorithms and complexity
3. Bioinformatics and applications
4. Computer and information security
5. Computer communications systems
6. Datbases and information retrieval
7. Embedded systems programming
8. Graphics, visualization, multimedia
9, High performance computing
10. Information systems
11. Internet computing
12. Mobile and wireless computing
13. Advanced computing applications
14. Formal method and applications
15. Multimedia systems
16. Operating systems
17. Real time systems
18. Software architecture
19. Software engineering
20. Software methodology
21. Software reliability engineering
22. Systems performance evaluation
23. Web based technologies.
Thus if you want to be expert in computing, you have to pick on of the area and develop on it.
Special sessions:
1. Advanced grid technologie, system & services
2. MyREN applications and researc initiatives
More Information:
You can contact me or e-mail
Important dates:
Submissioni deadline: 31 December 2005
Notification to authors: 31 January 2006
Camera-read version due : 15 Feb 2006
Early-bird registration: Before 31 Mac 2006 (10% discount)
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