Scott McNealy and Sun Microsystem

Scott McNealy of Sun Microsystem has finally resigned from the post of CEO while remaining as chairman.

He started Sun Microsystem from Stanford and Sillicon Valley. Over these 22 years, his had lead the team to achieve the following milestones.

1. Java powers over 3.5 billion devices.
2. Sun Solaris is one widely adopted operating system for server.
3. Niagara Chip is a great technology.
4. SPARC is the most advanced multi-core system. The SPARC architecture is reportedly to have been made open-source recently(2005).

The tag line for Sun Microsystem is "The network is computer", he predicted that software will be free for all in the future with the statement "software will all go free". Putting a permanent rivalry block against Microsoft who is reportedly currently hired around a few thousands Indian programmers to keep the system updated 24 hours around the world.

Anyway, Sun Microsystem is currently showing business losses and his resigned sent the company's share up 9%.


Anonymous said…
Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! » » »