This blog is like our baby you know.. so much care been put on it.
I did a search on MSN and found that there may be over 60 millions blog out there currently in the world and thus there could be easily a few of tenth millions bloggers out there; so many baby out there.
Blog is such a great tool for self-development purposes. Over the years, it has helped me and my team with the following advantages:
1. Improved English
2. Improved linguistic intelligence
3. Improve analytical mind
4. Improve report writting skills
5. Many more.
In my humble opinion, blogging is a good activity and hobby.
Recently, feedburner gave an overview of recently most popular blogs ever written by me...
These blog entries are:
1. Building the rabbit hole
2. Ethernet Switch for Medical Doctors ?
3. Embedded Linux Native or Java ?
By looking at these blogs, sometimes even I impresses myself. I mean I have written over 300 blog entries in a period of 2 years and even I can't recall most of it. These are actually all my intelligence, my so-called time-life. Had blogspot gone burst, I would have lost some much of intelligence. And no much people would actually care about it, not until I become the next dot-com millionaire. Anyway, I am proud of myself, I should have been rich but just not yet. So much so that there are so many of you out there attempted to make a difference to yourself, you guys deserve all the merits which I preached about now.
I wouldn't be surprised, one day one may be hired for jobs over the credibility of its blog.
Keep blogging, you may not change the world, but you certainly created valuable time-line for yourself. And tomorrow is never ever coming back!
a loud AYE to that!!
blogging is a good, interesting, valuable hobby! indeed blog is like my baby.
one very important (and perhaps best) thing that comes out of blogging is the friends we made out of the blogosphere.