Attended IASA AGM on 25 Mar 2011 held at ATD Solution (The Boulevard,Mid Valley City) which is currently IASA HQ for Malaysia chapter.
IASA is an international organization dedicated to promote software architecture particularly on enterprise software. IASA global is based in USA while the Malaysia chapter was founded by Mr. Aaron Tan Dani (ex Microsoft executive and currently ATD solution chief architect).
The current IASA president for Malaysia chapter is Mr. Hassan Ganny.
I have been a member and supporter for many years and is always delighted to be part of it.
The reason is simple, IT is all about best practices. Period.
IASA Malaysia chapter's mission is to drive software architecture certification to a greater extend. The certification courses are already global, because there is an IASA global and it is being recognized by big boys such as Microsoft, Oracle and etc, particularly those in the enterprise software arena.
The IT Architecture Career Map proposed by IASA and recognized by big boys are:
The goal of IASA certification is to make sure IT architecture certification are non vendor specific; that is to say that we must focus on concepts and best practices rather than technology.
This is also the reason why Microsoft recognizes IASA certified IT Architect as the preferred IT Architect certification. I totally agree.
For instance, if we are talking about remote invocation, in Microsoft there is remoting and WCF while in Java there is RMI (remote method invocation), essentially these technologies serve the same purpose.
The core of the knowledge from IASA is about best practices collected under the thing called the IT Architecture Body of Knowledge (ITABOK). It is a growing libraries which is being moderated by the board.
Software architect is one of the highest paying jobs in the USA with median pay of $ 119,00 and top pay of $ 162,000. It is also one of the best jobs in the USA. We have been waiting for years for IT professionals to become professionals alongside old professions such as doctor, lawyer and engineer. The reason is simple, the industry needs time to accumulate best practices. And with IASA, all these are going to happen.
Besides certification, IASA Malaysia chapter also provides other software development, architecture and related courses such as the followings:
Check out atd solution for more information.
IASA also hosts other special activities organized by special interest groups such as the Gorgeous Geeks.
Gorgeous Geeks, which operates under the umbrella of IASA, is a special interest group focusing on evangelizing women to be part of the ICT industry.
In Malaysia, Gorgeous Geeks is spearheaded by Ms. Alecia Heng and over the years, it has held many different activities which create awareness, raised funds and contribute to the society in many different gorgeous ways.
Anyone with fantastic ideas, such as bridging the technology divide, can approach IASA to get your ideas rolling.
If you wanted to build the next Facebook, you can talk to IASA too.
IASA is an international organization dedicated to promote software architecture particularly on enterprise software. IASA global is based in USA while the Malaysia chapter was founded by Mr. Aaron Tan Dani (ex Microsoft executive and currently ATD solution chief architect).
The current IASA president for Malaysia chapter is Mr. Hassan Ganny.
I have been a member and supporter for many years and is always delighted to be part of it.
The reason is simple, IT is all about best practices. Period.
IASA Malaysia chapter's mission is to drive software architecture certification to a greater extend. The certification courses are already global, because there is an IASA global and it is being recognized by big boys such as Microsoft, Oracle and etc, particularly those in the enterprise software arena.
The IT Architecture Career Map proposed by IASA and recognized by big boys are:
- Certificate in Fundamental Knowledge of IT Architecture.
- IASA Foundation Certified
- IASA Associate Certified.
- Board Certified IT Architect Professional/ Board of CITA Professional.
- Board Certified IT Architect Master/ Board CITA Master)
The goal of IASA certification is to make sure IT architecture certification are non vendor specific; that is to say that we must focus on concepts and best practices rather than technology.
This is also the reason why Microsoft recognizes IASA certified IT Architect as the preferred IT Architect certification. I totally agree.
For instance, if we are talking about remote invocation, in Microsoft there is remoting and WCF while in Java there is RMI (remote method invocation), essentially these technologies serve the same purpose.
The core of the knowledge from IASA is about best practices collected under the thing called the IT Architecture Body of Knowledge (ITABOK). It is a growing libraries which is being moderated by the board.
Software architect is one of the highest paying jobs in the USA with median pay of $ 119,00 and top pay of $ 162,000. It is also one of the best jobs in the USA. We have been waiting for years for IT professionals to become professionals alongside old professions such as doctor, lawyer and engineer. The reason is simple, the industry needs time to accumulate best practices. And with IASA, all these are going to happen.
Besides certification, IASA Malaysia chapter also provides other software development, architecture and related courses such as the followings:
- Object Oriented Analysis & Design (OOAD) using UML 2.X Notation.
- Business Process Architecture & Redesign Strategy
- Business Requirement Architecture
Check out atd solution for more information.
IASA also hosts other special activities organized by special interest groups such as the Gorgeous Geeks.
Gorgeous Geeks, which operates under the umbrella of IASA, is a special interest group focusing on evangelizing women to be part of the ICT industry.
In Malaysia, Gorgeous Geeks is spearheaded by Ms. Alecia Heng and over the years, it has held many different activities which create awareness, raised funds and contribute to the society in many different gorgeous ways.
Anyone with fantastic ideas, such as bridging the technology divide, can approach IASA to get your ideas rolling.
If you wanted to build the next Facebook, you can talk to IASA too.