MBSB Using SAS® Rapid Predictive Modeler for better customer insights

Malaysia Building Society Berhad (MBSB) has enhanced its data mining solution with SAS Rapid Predictive Modeler, from the leader in business analytics software and services, to gain more precise insights about customers to create better products and services. MBSB invested a total of RM1.4 Million for SAS Credit Scoring which was purchased in 2005 and upgraded its Data Mining solution which comes with Rapid Predictive Modeler when they moved to higher capacity server. MBSB is one of earliest adopters of SAS Rapid Predictive Modeler since its release late last year.

“This is an upgrade to MBSB’s existing predictive analytics and data mining solution – SAS Enterprise Guide and SAS Enterprise Miner – implemented in 2005,” said Dato’ Ahmad Zaini Othman, CEO of MBSB. “Back then, it was aimed for holistic reporting, to address high nonperforming loans (NPLs). Now, we are using campaign management and credit scorecard solutions to better measure clients’ behavior and campaign penetration.”

Through intensive product development and new marketing campaigns, MBSB plans to grow its retail assets –personal financing and home mortgage products – while also establishing a position as a reliable corporate financial provider.

Caption (From Left): Dato’ Ahmad Zaini Othman, CEO of MBSB exchanging handshake with SAS Managing Director Andrew Tan.

MBSB will capitalize on its strengths as a small financial institution: agile decision-making, personalized customer service, flexibility and fast turnaround time. The company does not plan to compete directly with existing financial players.

“MBSB relies on SAS solutions to realize their corporate objectives, especially assessing and approving good loans via credit risk scorecard for its retail business,” said SAS Managing Director Andrew Tan. “With SAS, MBSB decision makers can execute their business plans effectively and efficiently. The new SAS Rapid Predictive Modeler solution will help MBSB uncover unknown patterns, opportunities and insights to drive proactive, evidence-based decision making.”

MBSB recently introduced an array of new products, such as the MBSB Ultimate, Bijak Malaysia (Bancassurance) and the Cheeky Savings Account, to tap into under-penetrated markets, such as young professionals just beginning their careers and requiring reliable financial advice.

About Malaysia Building Society Berhad (MBSB)

The origin of Malaysia Building Society Berhad (MBSB) can be traced back to the Federal and Colonial Building Society Limited incorporated in 1950. Subsequently, on 15 March 1956, it changed its name to Malaya Borneo Building Society Limited (MBBS), with the Malaysian Government as its major shareholder. MBBS was then listed on the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore in August 1963.

Malaysia Building Society Berhad (MBSB) was incorporated on 17 March 1970 in Malaysia to take over the Malaysian operations and was listed on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange on 14 March 1972. MBSB is a Scheduled Institution as defined under the Banking and Financial Institution Act 1989 (BAFIA). The status of an Exempt Finance Company was granted to MBSB on 1 March 1972 by the Ministry of Finance and the status has remained in force since.

Employees Provident Fund Board (EPF) and Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) are two major shareholders of MBSB. As a financial provider, MBSB offers a spectrum of innovative financial products and services for both individuals and corporate throughout its branches nationwide.

Media Contacts:

Lynn Lee
