Amobee, California-based end-to-end mobile advertising solutions company, helps brands turn customers into fans.
The strategy for Asian market is about partnership such as Merah Cipta Media (MCM) Group for Indonesia market and Ambient Digital for Vietnam.
Trevor Healy (CEO), considers Singapore to be the ground for deals making. He has this to say "You acquire the go-to market in Singapore. You sit with somebody in Singapore and have tea at the Peninsular Hotel and you walk out with $10 million dollars in a deal. It may be implemented in Indonesia, Vietnam or the Philippines, but it’s actually inked here in Singapore.
"You’ll acquire the go-to market here, you’ll implement it elsewhere. Singapore is very important,” says Trevor. He adds, “Singapore is the connective tissue of a lot of countries. When we look at Singapore we don’t think about Singapore as just this location here. We think about Singapore as the connective tissue to other parts of Asia.”
On mobile advertising, Trevor thinks that the market is still pretty much untapped. Most people have the perception that by having online advertisement campaigns, they are some how conquering the mobile segment as well. Mobile advertisement campaigns should be more focused, lean, fast, straight to the point and individual-oriented.
Trevor adds that running start-up companies is not about success, it’s about minimizing failures. He disagrees on the approach of US venture capitals which invest in the best people, products and the biggest market opportunity. Trevor thinks that the sure-win attitude is somehow less spirited and the industry should adopt a more spirited risk-taking approach.
I truly agree with Trevor on this regard.
Trevor hopes that technology start-up phenomenon can blossom in Asia, particularly in Singapore if the immgration restrictions become more relaxed and that more investors are willing to open up and take risks in this region.
Running start-up is about MINIMIZING failures, remember ?
For more details, refer to "Running startup companies is not about success, it’s about minimizing failures” – Trevor Healy, Amobee"
The strategy for Asian market is about partnership such as Merah Cipta Media (MCM) Group for Indonesia market and Ambient Digital for Vietnam.
Trevor Healy (CEO), considers Singapore to be the ground for deals making. He has this to say "You acquire the go-to market in Singapore. You sit with somebody in Singapore and have tea at the Peninsular Hotel and you walk out with $10 million dollars in a deal. It may be implemented in Indonesia, Vietnam or the Philippines, but it’s actually inked here in Singapore.
"You’ll acquire the go-to market here, you’ll implement it elsewhere. Singapore is very important,” says Trevor. He adds, “Singapore is the connective tissue of a lot of countries. When we look at Singapore we don’t think about Singapore as just this location here. We think about Singapore as the connective tissue to other parts of Asia.”
On mobile advertising, Trevor thinks that the market is still pretty much untapped. Most people have the perception that by having online advertisement campaigns, they are some how conquering the mobile segment as well. Mobile advertisement campaigns should be more focused, lean, fast, straight to the point and individual-oriented.
Trevor adds that running start-up companies is not about success, it’s about minimizing failures. He disagrees on the approach of US venture capitals which invest in the best people, products and the biggest market opportunity. Trevor thinks that the sure-win attitude is somehow less spirited and the industry should adopt a more spirited risk-taking approach.
I truly agree with Trevor on this regard.
Trevor hopes that technology start-up phenomenon can blossom in Asia, particularly in Singapore if the immgration restrictions become more relaxed and that more investors are willing to open up and take risks in this region.
Running start-up is about MINIMIZING failures, remember ?
For more details, refer to "Running startup companies is not about success, it’s about minimizing failures” – Trevor Healy, Amobee"