Siemens International Press Trip 2016 : Digitalization Increases Competiveness

Siemens, a global technology powerhouse, recently concluded an event entitled “How digitalization increases competitiveness in Southeast Asia”, where it brought together various spokespersons and customers, namely Evonik and PSA Singapore Terminals, to present the topic of Digitalization through a series of panel discussions and facility tours.

Day 1 – How Digitalization increases competitiveness in the Chemical Industry in Southeast Asia
Day 2 – Providing higher efficiency and safety with automated stacking cranes

The key findings from the panel sessions as well as spokespersons quotes, while enclosed below are the short summaries:

Siemens is paving the way towards industrial digitalization
  • Digitalization is a major trend and innovation driver, creating completely new business and growth opportunities for companies.
  • Siemens terms its approach to Digitalization and its way towards Industrie 4.0 the “Digital Enterprise”. With Digital Enterprise, Siemens provides optimum support for customers, regardless of their company size and the industry they are in, as they move towards Industrie 4.0.
  • Siemens paves the way to Digital Enterprise in process industries from Integrated Engineering to Integrated Operations, using a common data-backbone with Comos and Simatic PCS 7 with open interfaces, based on strong offerings for Industrial Communication, Industrial Security and Industrial Services.

Siemens is a leading provider of high-quality, reliable and flexible integrated automation and drive solutions for the Chemical industry
  • For the past three years, it has been providing digitalization solutions to Evonik Industries, a German specialty chemicals company, for its manufacturing plants in Singapore.
  • Since the operation of Evonik’s Methionine production complex in 2014, Siemens has supplied Totally Integrated Power (TIP), which provides a fully integrated energy management solution. It has enabled Evonik to minimize downtime and maximize energy efficiency, while simultaneously ensuring power quality and flexibility.
  • In May 2015, Siemens successfully installed an Efficient Plant Operation using Simatic PCS 7 Alarm Management Solution for Evonik Industries’ expanded oil additives plant in Jurong Island to reduce the alarm load in the control room by filtering, aggregating and prioritizing alarms.

As a close partner of the Cranes industry with more than 100 years of experience, Siemens has extensive knowledge concerning control and automation applications for cranes
  • Siemens possesses a wide range of cutting-edge components and systems to provide a holistic support to customers.
  • Siemens’ Simocrane technology platform covers the crane requirements arising in harbor applications and in the industrial sector of the steel and paper industry, in shipbuilding and in numerous other industrial applications.
  • Globally, more than 5,500 container cranes have been equipped with Siemens products, systems and solutions in the last decade.
