Fintech Heavyweight CTOS Expands Services for A Better Financial Inclusion

CTOS has been Malaysia’s largest in terms of credit reporting, just announced a partnership with LenddoEFL to achieve a joint vision of financial inclusion for the people who had difficulties securing loans in Malaysia due to the lack of credit history.

Under the partnership, CTOS and LenddoEFL will launch a universal credit decisioning platform capable of accessing credit-worthiness of those who lack credit history, providing financial institutions with expanded service coverage.

The people in this category are:
  • the unbanked community – legitimate foreign workers who came to work, or people with no easy access to banks but have income to support loans
  • small businesses and sole proprietors who are often not flying under the credit radar of financial institutions.
Dennis Martin, Group CEO, CTOS Holdings Sdn. Bhd. said that this offering will benefit consumers who have no prior credit history but could afford securing loans from the banks – and it is estimated that 30% of the people belong to this segment.

For example, according to other sources, typical foreign workers would remit up to RM 1000 per month to families back home on the average. With the availability of financial inclusion services made available by CTOS-LenddoEFL partnership, the banks would now be able to service this segment of people in Malaysia.

(From Left) Mark Mackenzie, Managing Director for Asia Pacific, Lenddo EFL; Richard Eldridge, CEO of LenddoEFL; Dennis Martin, Group CEO of CTOS Holdings Sdn Bhd and Eric Chin, CEO of CTOS Data Systems Sdn Bhd seal the ‘CTOS Non-Traditional Data Score’ partnership.

CTOS customers with existing credit histories also benefit from the implementation of this credit decisioning technology as pricing and cut-offs are influenced by the inclusion of alternative data.

The forte of LenddoEFL is in providing solutions which use A.I technology to bring together the best sources of digital and behavioural data to help lenders to target audience.

LenddoEFL leverages on social media activities, browsing behaviour, geolocation and other smartphone data as the big data to perform credit-worthiness assessment. Nonetheless, a subject must provide consent for his or her data to be profiled – in term of data privacy, the result and data are only assessible to the banks, not to LenddoEFL and other third parties.

For example, LenddoEFL accesses behavioural data such as paying attention to details which qualifies as positive attribute in terms of credit-worthiness – up to date, LenddoEFL has helped up to 6 million consumers.

The CTOS Score is a credit score for individuals that indicates a consumer’s credit risk. Consumer may log on to to download individual CTOS Score report at RM 25.

This is a good practice of self-awareness in terms of financial planning whereby maintaining a good CTOS score can work in the individual’s favour by increasing the chances of getting approved for loans and credit facilities.

For further information, please contact:

Hazwani MNoor, Assistant Manager Public Relation, CTOS
Tel: +60327228818
