SAS : Indonesia leads ASEAN in AI Adoption

Data received on 11-Jul-2018:

SAS and IDC Asia/Pacific released a study on the adoption and development of Cognitive Computing and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in Southeast Asia, highlighting that AI adoption in the region is on the rise. The study found that current AI adoption rates stand at 14% across Southeast Asia, as compared to just 8% percent last year, marking a clear move by companies to embed some form of AI/cognitive intelligence into their operations.

Other key findings from this study include –

  • Discovery of better business insights (52%), enhanced process automation (51%), and improved productivity (42%) are the top drivers for AI investment, revealing a maturity in the way the region is harnessing AI to enhance their business
  • Indonesia leads the ASEAN region in AI adoption (24.6%), followed by Thailand (17.1%), Singapore (9.9%) and Malaysia (8.1%).
    • While Indonesia has the highest adoption rates amongst ASEAN countries surveyed, it also has the highest percentage of organizations with no plan to adopt AI within the next 5 years (59%).
  • Lack of Skills & Knowledge (23%) and High Cost of Solutioning (23%) are among the most frequent barriers to adoption named by survey respondents.
  • Singapore’s AI adoption rate is at 9.9%, falling behind Thailand and Indonesia and narrowly beating Malaysia
  • The key factor driving resistance among companies is having a conservative outlook coupled with the inability to quantify business value and ROI from AI.
  • More than a quarter of companies in Singapore reported lack of skills & knowledge as the top barrier to entry with concerns over AI technology putting their job at risk.
  • 35% of organizations in Singapore have plans to adopt AI within two years, the highest among Asia/Pacific countries
