Dattel Launches IDEAHACK Global Challenge to Seek Innovative Ideas on Consumer Data Science

Date: 24-Sep-2019
Location: Kuala Lumpur

Key Takeaways:
  • ASEAN’s leading consumer intelligence company Dattel launched its inaugural global consumer intelligence challenge IDEAHACK today – the first-ever competition of its kind, together with 14 partners.
  • IDEAHACK is a global and open innovation initiative that aims to bring together inter-disciplinary talents from data science, research and analytics, psychology and sociology with AI and IOT talents and advocates to find new perspectives, ideas and innovative technology-based solutions that will enable better understanding of consumers.
  • Consumer behaviours in this time and age are constantly evolving and becoming extremely complex, necessitating the ability to look at data differently in order for businesses and other organisations to be agile and nimble when interacting with their audiences. Today, it goes beyond just understanding audiences on the surface level, but instead, the aim is to understand the underlying currents influencing their behaviours in order to make swift changes to policies, products or services.
  • Present to witness the launch were Dattel’s partners for IDEAHACK, namely from Accenture, Dentsu, Wunderman Thompson, Value Innovation Group, Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), University Malaya, University Teknologi MARA, HELP University, Management and Science University (MSU), Ustart Global, Beta Foundation, New Entrepreneurs Foundation, Technopreneurs Association of Malaysia (TeAM) and E3Hubs.

  • Ashran Ghazi, Chief Executive Officer of Dattel, said, IDEAHACK is an initiative to identify like-minders of Dattel, who has unorthodox ideas of data science innovations targeting consumer intelligence.
    • Through partnerships with these 14 organisations for IDEAHACK, we aim to establish a robust ecosystem to drive new ways of understanding all the consumer data that surrounds us. Having the support of government agencies and being able to work with them also allows us to lend our perspective to the understanding of consumer intelligence in policymaking.
  • IDEAHACK will be open for submissions globally from 1 October to 30 November 2019. The top 10 entries shortlisted will be announced in December and pitching will take place in January 2020. Three winners will be selected in the final round, and will participate in the Dattel Incubator from February 2020 onwards for two months.
    • This global challenge is open to problem solvers and innovators aged 18 and above from anywhere around the world, who have ideas and methods for capturing and analysing data that are innovative and relevant to Dattel’s Consumer Intelligence approach. Participants can make submissions as an individual, team, start-up or research/education institution.
    • The submission process requires participants to submit a video of their concept and idea and a written document that identifies the area of consumer journey tackled, the solution, technical concept implementation and an introduction of the participating team members.
    • The submissions will be evaluated based on impact and its feasibility of being adapted into Dattel’s product line or offered as part of Dattel’s commercial services.
Editor's comments:
  • This is a data science competition.
  • A data scientist is a think-tanker who derives decision making conclusions based on data and domain knowledge such as statistic, economics etc.
  • Having said that, the competition focuses on identifying a data problem to solve and the solution.
  • Think of it as a quest for a data scientist to identify a problem in consumer intelligence industry and to follow-up with a technical solution
Ashran Ghazi, CEO of Dattel Asia with the 14 IdeaHack partners (Accenture, Dentsu, Wunderman Thompson, Value Innovation Group, Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), University Malaya, University Teknologi MARA, HELP University, Management and Science University (MSU), Ustart Global, Beta Foundation, New Entrepreneurs Foundation, Technopreneurs Association of Malaysia (TeAM) and E3Hubs)
