Date : 18-May-2020
Location: Singapore
Organization: Pure Storage
Key Takeaways:
Pure delivers the Modern Data Experience — in a simple, seamless and sustainable manner with the following benefits:
As part of Pure’s COVID-19 response program for its customer base, new Pure as-a-Service customers who sign up for a minimum of 12 months and 50 TiB reserve capacity commitment will get their first three months free.
Key Takeaways:
- Pure Storage,today announced that its Pure as-a-Service™ platform is now available in countries in the ASEAN region including Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand.
- Pure is the first and only company to offer storage as a service, a unified subscription that enables complete flexibility across cloud and on-premises solutions.
- Pure’s approach helps organisations replace antiquated storage systems with fast, flexible resources that fit modern operating environments.
- Pure Storage pioneered the use of flash storage in enterprise data centres and hybrid cloud environments and continues to lead the market with new technology and business model innovations such as as-a-service offerings.
Pure delivers the Modern Data Experience — in a simple, seamless and sustainable manner with the following benefits:
- Pay-as-you-go billing, with no overprovisioning or additional assets on the books
- The ability to spend from OPEX (operating expenditure) budgets
- No more headaches on performance and capacity management and faster speed of deployment
- Short contract terms, ideal for temporary as well as indefinite projects
- Minimum commitment of 12 months instead of vendor lock-in
- The ability to scale — up, out, and even down — as your needs continue to change, without additional CAPEX spend or staggered leases
- Evergreen architecture allows hardware to be added or removed without disruption
- Cloud integration supports using Pure as-a-Service capacity in locations that meet business needs
As part of Pure’s COVID-19 response program for its customer base, new Pure as-a-Service customers who sign up for a minimum of 12 months and 50 TiB reserve capacity commitment will get their first three months free.
- Chua Hock Leng, Regional Managing Director, ASEAN, Pure Storage,said, the company successfully disrupted the storage industry with enterprise-grade flash and the Evergreen™ model.
- David Coindreau, Manager of Server and Storage Services, Frost Bank,said,storage-as-a-service does not only provide high-availability but also low-requirement for internal IT support.
- Pure customers are using these products to drive data centre consolidation, build multi-cloud architectures, run high availability services, and create an analytics core their company can build around.
- As CIOs look to drive agility and efficiency, they are increasingly moving toward as-a-service models. IDC research data shows that 58 percent of IT organisations prefer as-a-service over CAPEX (capital expenditure) and lease options. Over the next three years, nearly 60 percent of IT cloud Infrastructure will be consumed as-a-service.
Editor's Comments:
- Storage-as-a-service means the storage in the cloud by rental.
- The service also comes with unlimited software upgrades and technical support as long as the subscription is valid.
- System integrators provide managed cloud platform (MCP) by incorporating storage-as-a-service - in a layman term, it means that instead of selling storage servers to customers, rent it to them in the cloud.