Date : 09-Jun-2020
Location: Malaysia
Key Takeaways:
Red Hat, maker of open source technologies for the enterprise.
Key Takeaways:
Hybrid Cloud puts control and choice in your hands - offers maximum agility and resiliency - a good strategy of digital transformation.
Paul Cormier, President and CEO, Red Hat,said,Hybrid Cloud is a blend of existing technologies and the future.
Best Practices:
Leverage on Multicloud,Hybrid Cloud,Cloud Native to accelerate digital transformation.
- Breaking down silos
- Provisioning of high-availability
- Keeping up with on-demand services
- Provisioning of distributed workforce, social distancing
Best Practices:
Leverage on Multicloud,Hybrid Cloud,Cloud Native to accelerate digital transformation.
- Multicloud refers to the presence of more than one cloud deployment of the same type (public or private), sourced from different vendors.
- Hybrid Cloud refers to the presence of multiple deployment types (public,private,multicloud) with some form of integration or orchestration between them.
- Cloud Native refers to software deployed in containers in Kubernetes as microservices, to achieve scalability,load-balance and high-availability.
Editor's Comments:
The essence of Hybrid Cloud is digital transformation by means of blending old and new ideas in anticipation of on-demand and future challenges - in a more technical term, it means running new processes in parallel with old processes - to minimise operation disruption and optimise user experience.